This file (above) is designed for 56K or faster modems. Since the clip is short, you may have
fair results with a 28800 modem and connection. This Real Audio/video file was produced using RealNetworks, RealPublishser V5. If you have problems playing this file, you can get an update to your FREE player at the RealAudio, logo Link below.
The following link (below) uses Vivo. Vivo is now owned by RealNetworks however, this file was produced using the VivoActive Producer V2, developed prior to the aquisition. This file is very close to the
quality of the original QuickTime file. The Quicktime master is over 4-MB. This Vivo file but is larger than than the RealVideo clip at the top of this page but a lot smaller than the original Quicktime.
Optimized for sound and clarity. This Vivo file is very close to the original.